
Showing posts from November, 2023


  HOW YOU CAN BE OF HELP!!! Hi folks, Trust you are doing great and I guess you are gaining trust in the Consult Kenny brand as you follow my posts on The "You Can Count On Me" series. As I take the last shot on this series today, it's important you know there are several ways I need you to help me meet your expectations and also sustain the trust you now have in me and the Consult Kenny brand. As I anticipate your engagement in the nearest future, here are 3 ways you can be of help 👇: #1: DISCLOSE YOUR BUDGET  The Consult Kenny brand has a global audience and their disposition towards disclosure of budgets for projects differ from one region to another. In Nigeria for instance, it's really tough getting clients and prospects to disclose their budget, while an average American on the other hand will hardly embark on a project without revealing their budget. The point is, there is no fixed or guaranteed cost for executing a project, they always fall within a range, a


  SET THE EXPECTATION!!! Happy weekend Fam, Trust you are all doing great and I guess you have been following my posts on the series that seeks to establish your trust in the Consult Kenny brand. It's important I mention that, beyond the knowledge acquired or insights gained by my audience on this platform, there is a place for engagement which remains a strong index by which my success on the job is measured, therefore the need to build trust and ultimately foster engagement remains the primary aim behind The "You Can Count On Me" series. So in my last post I talked about myself, with the hope to build some trust around who I am and who I am not. Kindly refer to the link below for a read. Now today's post will address what your expectations should be ahead of future engagements.  And perhaps a review from a client would give me a good head start👇: #1: EXPECT SATISFACTION There is defin


WHO AM I?!!! Happy weekend peeps, Trust this post meets you well. I introduced a new series in my last post with the intention to establish trust with my audience, kindly check it out using the link below if you haven't done so. As I delve further into The "You Can Count On Me" series, it's important I emphasize that the primary objective of the Consult Kenny brand is to help my audience HAVE OR EXPERIENCE what they KNOW OR LEARN on this platform. So if you have been following the Consult Kenny posts and have gained insights on how you can make the best of your space, then what's stopping you from engaging me?. Perhaps it's TRUST Now there are several ways to build trust with people, one is by genuinely and humbly telling them who you are, another is by clearing the waves about who you are not. Today's post will be a blend of both and here is what I mean👇: #1: MEET KENNY  I am


INTRO!!!  Hi folks, guess you are good. It's 11 months into 2023 already. Happy New Month to you all, it's going to be a blissful month for you and I. If you have been following the Consult Kenny posts for a while, I have no doubt you have gained insights on matters relating to your space at one point or the other, I mean that's what I'm here for. The objective of the Consult Kenny brand goes beyond stimulating knowledge as my job is not deemed complete until I help you HAVE OR EXPERIENCE what you KNOW OR LEARN on this platform, and that's where the KNOW IT | HAVE IT agenda hails from, therefore engagement is key to success here. Now the question is, can I get you to engage me without first getting you to trust me?, the obvious answer is No. And so on this note I thought it's important I introduce a series that will help establish your trust in the Consult Kenny brand, hence The 'You Can Count On Me" series. So I will be approaching this series from 3 a